John Miller - Artist

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John Miller was born in London in 1931 and spent most of his adult life in Penzance. His work as a contemporary landscape artist is known particularly for the blues and yellows of sky, sand and sea, and has become popular in the form of posters, cards and even CD covers. His posters have even appeared on film and television sets. Much of his inspiration was drawn from the Cornish scenery and he became a member of the Newlyn Society of Artists in 1961. In 1964, he was elected to the Royal Society of Arts.

Hayle River mouth
Life imitating art...

Miller began his career in church architecture, but soon moved to a different form of art. Many of his paintings reflect his travels abroad to places as far afield as Venice and Goa. John Miller’s paintings were also influenced by his deep spiritual beliefs. He lived in West Cornwall with partner Michael Truscott from the late nineteen fifties until his death in 2002. In 1989, he published an autobiography, “Leave Tomorrow Behind”. Several other books have also been published about this artist.